
Friday, 30 March 2012

Out comes bullying

The person might fell sad but they might want to tell an adult but they might think their going to get punched in the face but they do not want that happening to them and they will fell sad.

Some body should sort out the problem  but  the kid is to scared the might fell sad angry mad lonely and no one to talk about what happened.

Friday, 23 March 2012



Ko Kyra taku ingoa.

Ko Fletcher toku ingoa whanau

E iwa oku tau

Ko Taylor toku Matua

Ko Rhonda toku whaea

Ko Wii raua  Ko Poppy oku koro

Ko Georgina raua Ko Judy oku kuia

Ko Mt Wellington te maunga

Ko Tamaki te awa

Ko Miss Sayers toku kaiako

Ko Mr Jhonston te tumuaki                                       

Ko Takahiwha marae

Ko Parauri  toku makawe

Ko Nicola toku hoa

He kahurangi oku whatu

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The funky Human body

It all began on a Important  Tuesday at the building of Telstra Clear Dome where  other schools near by came because it was a special day we were told by our teachers that there were going to a cool place and other kids would be there, hearing Dr. Ben Carson speak on a speaker and show some interesting facts about the human body like: Blood Cells, also Ribs the Brain and much more. While he was talking I thought that  wonderful  things to boys/girls to kept them alive also good health.  I am so lucky that I have, got good health.  Did you listen to  Dr. Ben Carson say that he used nurses to help cut two baby’s heads that were connected to each other.  The head was cut within 24 hours and without serious damage to their brain after Doctor Ben Carson was finished talking about his fantastic amazing  facts he gave every single kid there a free Up and Go and an apple. I Kyra wants to thank you MainFreight and other companies around the world so, thank you for letting me and other schools have an awesome experience day out.  The End:)